PSLE Tuition

PSLE Tuition

  • Expert PSLE tutors who have years of invaluable teaching experience in the field
  • Quality PSLE tuition and subject guidance
  • Customised teaching methods aligned with the MOE scheme of work
  • Useful strategies and shortcuts for scoring well in PSLE exams
  • Access to various lesson notes and cheat sheets for scoring high in PSLE

psle tuition

Our highly experienced PSLE teachers provide the best PSLE tuition in Singapore to help your child ace their PSLE


Globally, the education system in Singapore is well regarded. Starting at the age of 12, students must go through streaming stages to start their range in secondary schools, which is similar to secondary schools in other countries. The school leaving test at Primary 6 is also known as the PSLE (Leaving Examination for Primary Schools). Students must score a certain amount of points to choose their preferred secondary schools.

Each year PSLE is held in Singapore. It is a national test, considered by students after their final 6th year of primary school education. Before being allocated to different streams in the secondary schools, every student must pass the exam.


Entrance into Secondary School

Your child has to pass their PSLE examinations to advance into secondary school


Increasingly Difficult

Tackle advance topics with the bar getting raised often pushing pupils harder and harder


Private Solution to PSLE

A PSLE expert tutor is able to support your child with the skills they need to overcome their study challenges

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Importance of PSLE Examinations

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has year after year increased the level of complexity of the PSLE tests. For a young child who is still in their formative years, learning and understanding these advanced concepts is not an easy feat at all. No wonder home tuition is now more popular than O-level or A-level tuition. Parents all over Singapore are getting worried over their child’s ability to cope with the exams that gets tougher and tougher by the years.

PSLE is the first major hurdle that your child must face during his or her academic life. It’s a test that represents an intersection-one that will lead your child in different directions. Each parent wants their child to succeed in their studies. On hindsight, PSLE is not the last determinant. A student who hasn’t done well for their PSLE can still achieve in life. That is not a situation of doom and gloom. Research has shown that the learning environment has a huge impact on the way education turns out for a child. Being in a good learning atmosphere puts your child in a good position to improve their learning ability and self-esteem, making them more likely to go further on their academic path.

Benefits of PSLE Tuition

PSLE home tuition is beneficial, as the attention of the teacher is not broken. You focus only on a pupil, enabling them to succeed academically well. For home tuition, tutor focuses on the ability to grasp the concept of children, learning speed, and skill differences. The tutor’s lesson plan can be tailored to match the learning ability of the child.

  • Receive regular customised help:
    Having a tutor who is ready to attend to the students ‘ particular needs is highly valuable to any student
  • Learning based on individual style and abilities:
    No student is the same, meaning that they understand things differently and benefit from private education
  • Gain advantage from external resources:
    Tutors can provide extra resources for research, aside from what students receive in school for improved performance over their peers
  • Receive tuition from the convenience of home:
    Tutors provide students with quality tuition which is so creative and easy compared to classroom tuition
  • Choose a quality tutor:
    Unlike a school setting where a teacher is assigned to a classroom, private tuition gives the parent and student the choice to select a suitable tutor

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singapore tuition teacher

Our PSLE Home Tutors

Each year, PSLE exams get tougher and tougher. What can you do to get leverage over the success of your child in PSLE? We have recruited a brilliant team of tutors who know exactly what to do in past year’s papers–whether running through subject-by-subject or cramming to ensure your child has the exams. We match your child with a private teacher who is the right fit and who can work with your child to help them tackle the exam with minimal stress.

Excelling in PSLE with Ease

Your child needs any help and guidance they need to excel in their PSLE subjects. Let’s give them every possible help. Not only are our outstanding primary school tutors compassionate but they are incredibly PSLE-savvy. We are ready to help your child do well, so that they can easily do well in their tests and outperform their peers. Instead of putting them at student-packed tuition centres, your child can receive undivided attention through private tuition. Our tutors are going the extra mile ensuring they never lose focus. Don’t be left undecided. Get private tuition your child will need to stay ahead of their class.

psle preparations

The Challenges of Learning for PSLE

Your child is too young to take on such a heavy load at this point in their lives. And you are probably too busy as a parent to make a living and care for their other needs to get distracted with additional problems. We understand the peculiar situation your child and you are in. For this purpose, our tuition agency offers quality tutors specialising in PSLE math tuition, English tuition, Chinese tuition and science tuition. With Science and Math becoming increasingly competitive, the demand from parents for our Science and Maths tuition has increased. Our home tutors are well acquainted with the upper primary syllabus and the exam skills needed to make your child excel.

  • Is your child struggling hard to grasp advance concepts that their young brain is too much to handle?
  • Do these offer them sleepless nights, or make them stay more on their own?
  • Are you afraid they might not make it into their dream school?
psle exams

Clear the PSLE Hurdle Easily

PSLE exams can be very challenging for most students. The first major hurdle your child must face in their academic life is primary school leaving exams. PSLE stands between your child and transfer to high school, making it a difficult transition period in their lifetime. If they are doing very well, the elite schools will wait to receive them with their gates wide open. If they’re not doing so well, they must either retake the test or settle down next door for secondary school. Your child is too young to take on such a heavy load on their fragile brain at this point in their life. And you are probably too busy as a parent to make a living and care for their other needs to get distracted with extra problems. We acknowledge the peculiar situation you and your child are in. For this reason, our tuition agency provides tutors specialising in math tuition, English tuition, Chinese tuition and science tuition. With Science and Math becoming increasingly competitive, the demand from parents for our Science and Maths tuition has risen. Our home tutors are well acquainted with the upper primary syllabus and the exam skills needed to make your child excel.

PSLE Tuition Rates

Level / Tutor Experience Part-Time TutorFull-Time TutorSchool Teachers
Primary 4$25-35 $35-50 $55-70
Primary 5$25-35 $35-50 $55-70
Primary 6$25-35 $35-50 $55-70

Prepare Well with Confidence

Subject like algebra can be very tricky for the average primary school student. These and much more are the new realities that a parent must be mindful of a student having to deal with daily. Each parent in their academics wants their children to shine and to soar. But a student who fails their PSLE exams would not even be allowed to progress and face bigger challenges until they first deal firmly with PSLE. Research has shown that one’s learning quality is exposed to largely determine how education impacts that person–in this case, your child. Enrolling your child for top-class private PSLE teaching would greatly improve their chances of completing their PSLE exams – which will invariably lead them to good schools that optimize their academic ability and self-worth.

Why Choose Our Agency

You are at the right place if you are searching for a private tuition agency in Singapore that provides price, comfort, sensitive service and the best match tuition rates for PSLE. We made it our mission to help parents and students get support in examinations. Our excellent team of skilled PSLE tutors are expertly qualified in delivering Singapore tuition. At the comfort of your home we offer the best English tuition, Math tuition, Science tuition and Chinese tuition. Find a private tutor in just a few clicks or with our simple tutor request form. As a loving parent interested in setting your child’s proper academic base, you’ve seen the various benefits of good tuition for yourself.

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